if you long for a place,
for a sacred space,
then you must dare to be still,
to experience the audacious thrill,
of being like a tree.
to worship the gentle movement
of the mundane, like an
ancient druid deity.
to lay down roots
deep into the rich, black soil.
to have the strength to part
the earth with your humble foundation.
be so brave as to be unmoving
in the wind, the sun, the rain, the snow.
to dress mindfully for the seasons
as they come & go.
to possess such a confidence
as to stretch tall & unflinching
into the heavens
each day, and each night.
be so bold as to
let the storms come.
and to stand unmoving before them,
sitting through the deep desires
to both flee & to chase
those foreboding midwestern clouds.
will you have the
heart to let your
stillness grow loud?
Photo by Marina Mangano.